
Social Formation

1. The overview If you often ask yourself “How can people believe those lies and deceptions?” when facts clearly indicate them to be untrue, you are not alone.  If you ask how so-called leaders can get away with a policy that guarantees disastrous, anti-human consequences, you are not alone either. In order to examine these […]
The post Social Formation first appeared on Dissident Voice.

“Are We the Baddies?”

The desperate smear campaign to defend Israel’s crimes highlights the toxic brew of lies that’s been underpinning the liberal democratic order for decades. In a popular British comedy sketch set during the Second World War, a Nazi officer near the front lines turns to a fellow officer and, in a moment of sudden – and […]
The post “Are We the Baddies?” first appeared on Dissident Voice.

We’ve Already Got a Dictator-in-Chief: How Absolute Power Corrupted the President

Once a dictator, always a dictator. Power-hungry, lawless and steadfast in its pursuit of authoritarian powers, the government does not voluntarily relinquish those powers once it acquires, uses and inevitably abuses them. Likewise, any presidential candidate who promises to be a dictator on day one, if elected, will be a dictator-in-chief for life. Then again, the […]

Panic-stricken Israel Lobby Shifts into Overdrive

At Westminster the other day the UK Secretary of State for Defence (Grant Shapps) made a statement on military deployments to the Middle East which included questions and answers about the situation in Gaza. It was an opportunity for Shapps with help of pro-Zionist MPs to distort the facts to ‘justify’ Israel’s appalling crimes. The […]
The post Panic-stricken Israel Lobby Shifts into Overdrive first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Eighty Years of Lies: President Franklin Roosevelt Told Public Pearl Harbor Was A Surprise Attack—However There Is Considerable Evidence Demonstrating Government Foreknowledge

  “The war that we have carefully for yearsprovokedCatches us unprepared, amazed and indignant.Our warships are shotLike sitting ducks and our planes like nest-birds,both our coasts ridiculously panicked,And our leaders make orations. This is thepeopleThat hopes to impose on the whole planetaryworldAn American peace.”      – Robinson Jeffers, “Pearl Harbor.” “This Pearl Harbor business has […]