
A Tale of Two Ambassador Fords: Both Served as Ambassador to Syria but Have Very Different Analyses of the Country’s War

In the past few months, Grayzone journalist Aaron Maté has interviewed two former ambassadors to Syria: former UK Ambassador Peter Ford and former U.S. Ambassador Robert S. Ford. The two ambassadors have a common surname but very different perspectives...

Israel and Its Unlikely Arab Friends

In 2020, Israel, supported by the United States, began a diplomatic offensive in the Arab world. The goal is evident: containing Iran. As U.S. author Eric Margolis writes, the countries that sign peace agreements with Israel, are “so frightened of neighboring Iran that they would happily have opted for Israeli rule rather than welcome the angry, unforgiving Iranians”.

Recognition of Palestine is ‘Symbolic’ but also Critical: The Australian Case

Australia’s Labor Party’s recognition of Palestine as a State on March 30 is a welcomed position, though it comes with many caveats. Pro-Palestinian activists are justified to question the sincerity of the ALP’s stance and whether Australia’s Labor is genuinely prepared to fully adopt this position should they form a government following the 2022 elections. […]

The Canadian Government’s Regime Change Obsession – An Existential Challenge for the Citizens of Canada

In its foreign policy, the Justin Trudeau/Chrystia Freeland government has run roughshod over the sovereignty of citizens-first, freestanding governments in many regions of the world; in knee-jerk compliance to the diktats of its magnate handlers and in lock-step with the albatross on its southern border.