
Canadian Opposition Parties Fill Anti-China Void Left by Freeland’s Ouster

The major political parties of Canada don’t agree on much, but they have found common ground on one policy: China is evil and any collaboration with this tyranny is an assault on Canadian values.
Previously, this anti-China agenda was reserved for Canada’s prize regime change fanatic Chrystia Freeland, who as Foreign Minister successfully alienated nearly every nationalist government on earth, to the point that China’s foreign ministry cancelled its Ambassador’s role in Ottawa and even ceased picking up Freeland’s phone calls.

Israel’s Genocide Advisers and Technicians Return to Latin America in Force

With the ouster of progressive governments throughout Latin America and their replacement with right-wing neo-fascist regimes, Israeli counter-insurgency advisers, better known as “merchants of death,” have returned to Latin America with fervor. Fascist-oriented regimes in Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Honduras, Paraguay, Guatemala, and Chile, eager to displace indigenous peoples, have invited the Israelis back to their nations to provide advice on depopulating indigenous regions as systematically as Israel has done to the Palestinians in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Henry Kissinger Gets It… US ‘Exceptionalism’ Is Over

Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger made prudent remarks recently when he said the United States is no longer a uni-power and that it must recognize the reality of China as an equal rival.
The furor over a new law passed by the US this week regarding Hong Kong and undermining Beijing’s authority underlines Kissinger’s warning.
If the US cannot find some modus vivendi with China, then the outcome could be a catastrophic conflict worst than any previous world war, he admonished.

Trump Accepts Israeli ‘Realities on Ground’ – Realities Funded by His Administration

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo this week announced yet another radical shift in Washington’s policy towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, by way of saying that the United States “was accepting realities on the ground”.
What the mendacious and cynical Pompeo omits to add is that the Trump administration has been dramatically fueling the change in “realities” – specifically the expansion of illegal Israeli settlements on Palestinian territory and the demolition of Palestinian homes.

How the Deep State Really Works

International Man: Last year, President Trump took the unusual step of bypassing his advisors to announce his intention to withdraw all US troops from Syria quickly. The decision rattled Washington and the mainstream media. It caused former Defense Secretary Mattis to resign. Almost a year later, the US has withdrawn only a token number of soldiers. It still has thousands of troops occupying the part of the country where oil fields are located. What is going on here?

Historic Russia-Turkey Deal in Syria, But US/NATO Pitfalls Await

The agreement signed this week between Russia and Turkey for a new security plan in northeast Syria was certainly historic and a much welcome potential path towards stability and peace.
However, the way forward could be frustrated by continuing foreign meddling in Syria’s sovereignty. This week it was also reported that US forces, including Abrams tanks, are to deploy in eastern Syria to “secure the oil fields” in the country’s resource-rich region.