
Tiny Ireland, Giant Canada and the Start of Avalanches

Giant avalanches sweeping all before them often start with just a few tiny pebbles tumbling down and no one at first pays any attention: The surprise victory of Ireland over Canada to be voted by the United Nations General Assembly on to the Security Council for the next year may well be such a fateful pebble to set off transformational avalanches on both sides of the Atlantic.

Ambassadors Are Not Completely Useless, It Seems. Many Are Getting Their Hands Dirty in New Diplomacy

Diplomacy is in a crisis, re-emerging as something else more sinister and darker for its ambassadors. From Venezuela to Lebanon though, their time is up. Their dirty game is no longer a secret and it will be the starving Lebanese who will unseat them.
Diplomacy has been in the news quite a bit in late June. Yet it has still left many of us wondering if there is ever a real role for diplomats to play in this junk-news, social media-obsessed world which has reduced them to mere “waiters who are occasionally allowed to sit down” as Peter Ustinov once put it.

India’s Modi Terminates His Weibo Diplomacy

What started out as a promising relationship with China is now one struggling to find a direction
The common perception among Indian analysts, widely articulated in the country’s media, is that the government’s options to “hit back” at China for whatever has happened in eastern Ladakh during the past two months are very limited.
The reported erasure of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s “official page” on the Chinese social media website Weibo can only reinforce that impression. It simply doesn’t add up.

Don’t Buy John Bolton’s Book. Borrow It and Don’t Have High Expectations From a Disgruntled White House Ferret

Rex Tillerson was the only secretary of state to be fired; James ‘mad dog’ Mattis wrote a strongly worded resignation letter rebuking Trump foreign policy behaviour, and became the first ever Secretary of Defence to resign in protest; Michael Flynn resigned after being embroiled in the Mueller Report, misleading Vice President Mike Pence about his links with Ambassador

Flagging U.S. Credibility at Vienna Arms Control Talks

A puerile propaganda stunt pulled by U.S. negotiators in Vienna this week ahead of talks with Russian counterparts was both at insult to China and a reprehensible distraction from credible bilateral business with Moscow on the vital issue of strategic security.
Ahead of talks with Russian delegates, the Americans took a stealthy photo of the venue contriving to show Chinese flags sitting atop vacant tables.