
Making Excuses for Trump: Where Does the Buck Stop?

One might make the case that Donald Trump was elected president on the antiwar vote. Running against Hillary the Hawk it was, of course, relatively easy to position oneself as a critic of the endless wars started and sustained under the Bush and Obama administrations. Even though we Americans had heard similar noises from those very same gentlemen when they were running for office, many socially conservative voters like myself were nevertheless attracted by yet another a presidential candidate who pledged to bring home the troops and might actually have meant what he said.

VIDEO: If Anyone is Involved in Forcing Nations to Pick Sides it is Pompeo and His State Department

China is “making” Europe choose between a “free world” and an “authoritarian vision”, said Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to his European counterparts. But is it really China forcing the world to make moral “choices” at the barrel of a soft power gun? Watch the video and read more in the Editorial article.

Pompeo on Ungainly Cold War Mission to Europe

American Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had a flying visit to Europe this week during which he wielded hostile jibes against China and Russia using anachronistic Cold War rhetoric.
It is obvious Washington is trying to divide the world into “us and them” with such polarizing policy. But this ungainly American policy is bound to fail because it does not match the realities of today’s world.

Losing the Plot Again… Trump’s Anti-EU Rant Has Dangerous Implications for China

It was a barnstorming speech even by President Donald Trump’s dubious standard when he gave a press conference this week from the White House Rose Garden.
In typical self-promotional style, he lashed out at everyone and everything under the sun, it seemed, from his Democrat presidential rival Joe Biden to China, from coronavirus to illegal immigrants, and much more besides. Here’s the transcript.

Deluded Britain Rows in Behind U.S. Gunboat Diplomacy on China

America’s trusty British lieutenant has weighed in to stoke tensions in the South China Sea with reports that Britain is to deploy its two new aircraft carriers to the Pacific region. The carrier strike groups which include frigates, destroyers and nuclear-powered submarines, are to join with U.S. and Japanese warships to conduct naval drills.

The Fall of Plahotniuc and a New Hope for Moldova

In June 2019, the small landlocked nation of Moldova found itself in a life or death struggle between two opposing futures: Oligarchs like the notorious Vladimir Plahotniuc had worked diligently for years to bring this nation into the hull of the collapsing NATO-EU Titanic while nationalists sought to re-align Moldova’s future with the new emerging Multipolar Alliance led by China and Russia.