
Pope Benedict XVI: New Letter on Vatican 2 & Lecture on Introduction to Christianity

Today we take a change of pace and cover what many have considered a classic introduction to the Roman Catholic version of Christianity: Cardinal Ratzinger’s well known Introduction to Christianity. Is this a traditional work? Does it contain modernism? How as Orthodox would we see this book and how useful are the admissions in Ratzinger’s […]

Debate: Jay Dyer Vs Scott Smith – Orthodoxy Vs Gnosticism

I was invited back to Aeon Byte for a debate – this is uploaded with express written permission. Jay Dyer and Scott Smith joined us for a civil but passionate debate. We discussed the Gnostic and Orthodox differences on Theodicy, Biblical Inerrancy, Free Will, Salvation, the nature of Jesus, and much more. Is the world evil or in harmony? Is the Old Testament about a good or evil god? What were the true origins of Christianity? And much more. For some reason, my vaping was as incendiary as the topics.


Vid – Philosophy Interview: Archbishop Alexander on Dionysius the Areopagite – Jay Dyer

During the OCA DOS Conference 2017, Chattanooga TN, (the local church is St. Tikhon Mission in Lookout Valley), Archbishop Alexander of Dallas and the South discusses Dionysius the Areopagite with a crowd at the Davidoff Lounge in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Bp. Alexander is consider the foremost living authority on the Dionysian corpus.