Dilma Rousseff

Anglo-America: Regression and Reversion in the Modern World

What does it mean when the US and British financial systems launder hundreds of billions of dollars of illicit funds stolen by world leaders while their governments turn a ‘blind eye’, and yet the very same Anglo-American officials investigate, prosecute, fine and arrest officials from rival governments, rival banks and political leaders for corruption?

Fact-checking the Heralded “End of the Latin American Left”

By Peter Bolton | Council on Hemispheric Affairs | May 27, 2016 Recent political developments across the region have prompted celebratory proclamations in the mainstream Western press that Latin America’s decades-long dominance by left-leaning governments is reaching its terminal stages. The landslide victory of the Venezuelan opposition in last December’s legislative elections, the impeachment of […]

The Brazil Coup: Leaked Tape Proves Conspiracy Against Dilma Rousseff…

If any further proof were needed that was has recently occurred in Brazil has been a pre-planned coup, the country’s ‘interim’ government – led by immensely unpopular and illegitimate Michel Temer – is already being undermined by a leaked audio tape indicating that the impeachment of democratically elected president Dilma Rousseff was a pre-planned conspiracy. […]

New Brazil cabinet in trouble after leaks on anti-Rousseff plot

Press TV – May 24, 2016 Brazil’s interim government has been rattled by a leaked audio tape suggesting a plot against suspended President Dilma Rousseff, a scandal that forced a key minister in the new cabinet to resign. Brazilian Planning Minister Romero Juca, a close ally of acting President Michel Temer, said Monday he is […]

The ROUSSEFF IMPEACHMENT: What’s Really Going On in Brazil & Latin America…?

Brazil is in a crisis, that’s for sure. But general Western media portryal of the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff seems only to have presented a simplified, one-sided picture of events. Dilma Rousseff’s supporters call the impeachment process nothing less than a coup. The impeachment effort against Rousseff has been mostly orchestrated by the political, media, […]