
We're NOT All Gonna Die-- But Far More Of Us Than Need To Will-- Unless Trump Gets It First

Americans' instincts would be to rally around the president in a time of crisis. Yesterday Digby warned that the exception to that rule is when the president is an incompetent, self-serving sociopath. "Some feel," she wrote, "that one should fall in line behind the president when something like this happens, just as a matter of principle. Others think it’s wrong to cast doubt on his abilities and make members of the public even more nervous than they already are.

Mark Penn Is No Democrat-- And The Democratic Party Is WAY Better Off Without Him

In 2018, Chicagoland Blue Dog Dan Lipinski-- who is virulently anti-Choice, anti-gay, anti-immigrant, anti-healthcare-- and who has a solid voting record for a moderate Republican-- was on the verge of defeat in the primary. One poll had the 2 candidates within the margin of error and the other showed progressive challenger Marie Newman beating Lipinski by 5 points.

Who Would Sir Isaac Newton Vote For?

Almost every time I watch a Bernie Sanders speech or video, like the one above, I think, oh, that could be part of his 2020 announcement. Well... we won't have to wait much longer. I don't think anyone will be surprised to know that Bernie is getting close to announcing. And Saturday, Politico reported that his announcement video has been recorded.

Not Even Republicans Can Stand Ted Cruz-- And Everyone Loves BETO

Digby penned the Blue America letter today-- for a candidate that all of us like a lot, Beto O'Rourke-- and we've known Beto longer than almost anyone outside of El Paso, having endorsed him in 2012 when he first ran for Congress and ousted a corrupt conservative incumbent. This time around, Beto had raised an historic $23,332,950 by June 30 (and appears to have brought in over $38 million since then)!

A Virtuous Cycle: Trump Toxicity And Anti-Trump Turnout

Digby's tweet was so strong and to the point yesterday; every word completely precise-- like a Joni Mitchell song. "God he's dumb. Malevolent too. And psychologically unfit. But really, really dumb. I can't think of anyone in history with this particular combination. We just don't have a roadmap to deal with a very stupid, dishonest, narcissistic demagogue.

Señor Trumpanzee Has Been Looking For An Excuse To Demote Or Fire Bannon-- Here Are A Couple On A Silver Platter

This post was written just before Trump fired Bannon todayChris Cuomo says CNN contacted all 52 Republican senators-- every single one of them, even Mike Rounds, Thad Cochran and James Lankford who no one ever calls for a national interview-- to come on the air and defend their president

The Question Remains … Whose Interests Would Kathleen Matthews Represent If Elected?

-by Jeffrey HearnI finished writing the following post when there was about a week left in the 2016 Democratic primary campaign in Maryland’s Eighth congressional district. I was then working for Jamie Raskin, the progressive front-runner for the nomination whose chief rival throughout the primary had been Beltway insider Kathleen Matthews.

America's Newest Villain-- Meet Trumpist Worm Stephen Miller From Santa Monica

Readers have been asking why we haven't done much here on Trumpist lunatic Stephen Miller, the guy who writes the imbecilic crap Trump reads off his teleprompters-- instead of just harping on Bannon, Bannon, Bannon. #PresidentBannon. Well, over the weekend Miller stepped out into the limelight and went on national TV to defend Trump-- every channel, right?-- and to say Trump can't be held accountable by the judicial branch.