Difference between 2 parties

Team Sport Day, Kids-- Do You Want A Blue Uniform Or A Red One?

Ro & Beto, 2 charismatic Democrats-- both refuse to give blanket endorsements to just anyone in a blue uniform... but for very different reasonsAccording to a CNN report last night, a Democratic Party robot in New Hampshire, Deb Nelson, the chair of the Hanover/Lyme Town Democrats, asked Beto to take the "Any Blue Will Do" pledge.

Who Would You Rather Follow-- Katy Perry Or Rick Perry?

Followers of which of these two would you define as a moron?Democrats are worried that base voters aren't going to turn out in November-- and they should be worried. The collection of atrocious corporate shills and conservative shitheads Steve Israel recruited isn't going to inspire any base voters I ever heard of to go vote. Israel tells donors he plans to win the 17 seats the Democrats need to win back the House.

Why Exactly Does Steve Israel Insist The DCCC Fight With One Arm Tied Behind Its Back?

In 1994, the Republican slime machine went after the wrong Foley-- purposefullyTom Foley, age 84, died Friday at his Washington, DC home. He was elected to Congress in 1965, succeeded John Brademas as Majority Whip in 1981, then Jim Wright as Majority Leader in 1987 and then Wright in 1989 as Speaker of the House. He is survived by his wife of 45 years, Heather, who was at his bedside when he died. Wife, you ask? Don't be stunned.