
« La France maçonnique » : premier volet du projet « Apocalypse France »

Face au constat alarmant du délabrement de la France que peut faire n’importe quel citoyen, l’historien Paul-Eric Blanrue et le journaliste Julien Teil ont la volonté d’identifier les causes racines. Il s’agit de comprendre au mieux le processus qui a engendré les maux dont notre mère patrie souffre aujourd’hui, car il n’est point de convalescence qui ne commence par un juste diagnostic.

JVP, BDS, and Jewish Liberal Terror

Following my expose of the JVP campaign against the great American patriot Alison Weir, I was approached by Berta Schwartz, an American JVP activist. Berta is obviously a pseudo name. As with Ned Rozenberg, our dissident Liberal Jews are fearful of their ‘progressive’ synagogues. Expressing their thoughts in the open may lead to their social exclusion and even excommunication.

Nearly 100 jailed in France for ‘defending terrorism’ and other speech crimes

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls speak to the press in Paris on January 9, 2015 (Photo credit: Bertrand Guay/AFP
Former French foreign minister, Roland Dumas, confirmed what many suspect is a Zionist-controlled regime in Paris. Dumas told a French television channel that France’s prime minister Manuel Valls is “under Jewish influence.”

by Brandon Martinez

French comedian convicted of ‘supporting terror’

French humorist Dieudonné Mbala Mbala Ramin Mazaheri – Press TV – February 5, 2015 Paris – Popular French humorist Dieudonné Mbala Mbala has been convicted and fined 30,000 euros for “supporting terrorism speech” in a decision which many say exemplifies the often discriminatory and two-tiered nature of France’s legal system. Following the recent terrorist attacks […]

The Farce of Western Free Speech

Speaking outside Elysée Palace in the aftermath of this week’s terror killings in France, former President Nicolas Sarkozy condemned the violence as “an attack on civilization.” Coiffured, sun-tanned and nattily dressed, Sarkozy’s solemn words made him appear like the embodiment of civility.
That’s a quaint turn in etiquette by a politician who is mired in allegations of sleaze and corruption, as well as war crimes.

"Cartoon blasphemy” links

“Satire is a sort of glass, wherein beholders do generally discover everybody’s face but their own.”  — Jonathan Swift"Cartoon blasphemy” linksJudaic Cartoonist Art Spiegelman told the Canadian Jewish News that those who write satires of Holocaustianity “deserve a bullet.”•The French government limits freedom of speech almost as much as the terrorists: http://wpo.st/lW010   Rescind laws criminalizing “Holocaust denial” ! •Politically corre

Double standard in controversy over banned satirist Dieudonné

By Michael HoffmanIn the article below, from the front page of today's New York Times, "For Hateful Comic in France, Muzzle Becomes a Megaphone," we find almost all of the tiresome and monotonous tropes and memes that are familiar to students of Talmudic-inspired megalomania, whereby Judaic persons, in this case in France, accuse and judge the gentiles, while Judaic bigotry and prejudice are immune from the hate laws they demand for others.The worry over French-African satirist Dieudonné M’b