
Jordan Peterson vs Zizek: The Disney Simulation We Live In – Jay Dyer + Primal Edge Health

#Jordanpeterson #zizek #vegan
Tristan and Jay cover the latest news about the Vegan cult and radical activism. We analyze the Zizek/Peterson debate, the issue of fake food and social engineering through diet. This is not medical advice. Opinions of guests on this channel are not necessarily that of the owners. We choose to only affiliate with family owned and operated businesses. Primal Edge Health is here.

Science Says Eating Protein can Make You Feel Fuller Longer

Don’t you love it when science backs up what you’ve always suspected was true? In this case it’s the idea that high-protein foods make you feel fuller longer. Researchers at Purdue University have my back on this one.
There are a lot of fad diets out there, and lots of advice on how and what to eat, some of it good, some questionable at best. But one good piece of wisdom has been: If you feel hungry throughout the day, eat more protein.