
Organic Takeover: Toxic Food Makers Lose $4 Billion in Sales in One Year

Consumers are leaving toxic food makers’ products behind on grocery store shelves faster than you can say ‘organic.’ Big Food lost $4 billion in sales last year alone due to their inability to answer market demand for non-GM, organic food that doesn’t contain high fructose corn syrup, gluten, antibiotics, growth hormones, MSG, and other toxic additives.

Watch: Italians Try American Snacks for the First Time

Living in the United States, it can be tough to remember that the so-called ‘food’ we often eat on a daily basis is actually a slew of processed chemicals and dehydrated filler material. We’ve seen what happens when Korean girls eat American snacks for the first time (and the Korean food supply is also quite processed so it just goes to show how much worse the US processed food supply can be), and now it’s time to watch Italians try American snacks for the first time.
Checkout the reactions below:

Why Research Points to the Paleo Diet as a Health Solution

New statistics have recently been released showing that Australian sales of bread and pasta have dropped by 30% in the last 3 years. Not surprisingly, this has led to a great deal of handwringing among conventional physicians and dietitians who are concerned about the food pyramid being abandoned for so-called “fad diets” such as the Paleo Diet, despite the fact that this and other gluten-free diets have benefited so many.

Video: What happens When a Family Eats Only Organic for Two Weeks

As said by Dr. Jesse Henley, pesticides kill pests by damaging their cellular structure. Though pesticides, fungicides, growth regulators, and herbicides were meant to control how a plant grows, there is no doubt that they affect us too – and we are using more pesticides and herbicides than ever.
Strangely, these chemicals aren’t destroying pests – they are likely destroying us.

What Happens When You Give Up Sugar for an Entire YEAR?

For most people the idea of giving up sugar for an entire year is more than daunting. It isn’t as if you would just give up your favorite dessert, but you would also have to give up almost every food sold in the grocery store (…almost every food). To a woman named Eve Schaub, this was not an insurmountable task, but her family’s journey into no-sugar-land was quite eye-opening.

Vegetarian Protein: 55+ Awesome Protein Sources for Vegetarian

As an ‘almost’ vegetarian myself, I often get asked how I can consume enough protein just eating plants in order to be healthy. I love to cook my own healthful meals where I use ingredients that I either grew myself or can be 100% sure are organic and non-GMO. But for vegans and vegetarians there are other health risks that get overlooked – such as signs of protein deficiency, which can cause serious health issues. Below you will find 55+ protein sources for vegetarians.