
Vegan Creative Juicing with Deuce Juicer!

Hey guys! EPIC SOYFACE! Just juicing up with my plant based vegan bigot lowerbackbag (as you’ll see in the video) – as the fashionista diva whole food kibble partner I am! In this instructional video I will show you how to live a fully vegan and sustainable lifestyle from the grass and weeds in your condo lawn, erecting your own private Ganges River in your corporate complex, and how to creatively juice with Yeti semen and vegan whale dingus. LOVE YOU GUYS! Remember to OPPOSE Tristan at primal edge health – baldmanbad!

Does God Want Us Eating Animals? Ethics??? Jay Dyer

Why do humans replace their God-based ethics with a man-made nonsensical one, when at the same time we are told there is no God and there are no objective ethics? What about “animal rights”? On what basis? The doctrines of the Fall and Genesis are indispensable to a coherent ethic. Relativism and the gnostic notion we merely cousins of animals and the OT “God” is mean are foolishness.

THX 1138 & Demolition Man – Primal Edge Health & Jay Dyer

#THX1138 #demolitionman #movies
In the next movie analysis stream we finally cover Long-requested analyses of THX 1138 and Demolition Man! The 70s meets 90s cheese in this dystopia fest that will blow the neon yellow out of your Snipes Fro and smear other such fluids all over your overalls, should you forget how to use the three sea shells.

The Global Brain ‘Murican Gladiators Multipass – Jay Dyer, Primal Edge Health on Boiler Room

#JOEROGAN #terencemckenna #globalbrain
The crew gathers to discuss the latest madness. We cover American Ninja Gladiators, global sportsballz, the nodes in the global brain, greta and her climate obsession, leeloo and Chris Tucker predicting the future, Jacques Attali and nomadic devices, and bum goiters that don’t work.


PROPAGANDA – Edward Bernays’ Invisible Government Dissected – Jay Dyer (Free Part)

This is the repaired free half, while the full talk is already available to subscribers to classic work from the father modern advertising and pioneer of mass manipulation Edward Bernay’s book Propaganda forms our next work in the globalist book series. For full talks subscribe at JaysAnalysis at the PayPal links.