Dier ez-Zor

Christians raise Cross over ruins of Church in Deir ez-Zor after destroying ISIS

The Power of the Precious and Life-giving Cross – as Syrian (and Russian) Orthodox Christians say – shines victoriously over a ruined church in Deir ez-Zor, or perhaps more appropriate, Novi-Stalingrad, as Syrians have come to see the siege of Deir ez-Zor as their Stalingrad.
Fort Russ has shared beautiful photos, as they keenly point out that:

CONFIRMED: Central Syria almost fully liberated–terrorists to make final stand in Deir ez-Zor

News from the Russian General Staff has come in indicating that all of central Syria is on the verge of full liberation from terrorist occupation.
The news came in with early reports stating that Aleppo Governorate is now fully liberated from al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups.
According to Main Operational Directorate of the Russian General Staff, Col. Gen. Sergey Rudskoy,

CONFIRMED: Trump ends CIA arms to Salafists in Syria

Today, two reports emerged within minutes of each other which indicate that under Donald Trump, the United States has fully shifted its policies in Syria away from arming and aiding Salafist/jihadist terrorist fighters and is now allying exclusively with Kurdish.
To a less extent, America is also politically allied with Russia in a limited capacity in south western Syria, something which is more significant due to the shift it represents rather than in terms of size or scope.
Here are the key events: