DiEM25 Deutschland
Tageszeitung-TAZ: DiEM25 as the best hope for overcoming Europe’s nationalist resurgence
Europe is in deep political crisis, and without renewal, the Union could soon fall apart. This is shown by Brexit, the strengthening of Euroscepticism in Italy, in Germany and many other countries. Many now rely on the French president as a renewal and saviour. But Emmanuel Macron is not the right person to stop the slow dying of the European Union. He represents that neo-liberal course that destroys the Union from the inside, making the rich wealthier and the poor poorer.
Why the Deutsche Bank merger with Commerzbank must be stopped – HANDELSBLATT (English & German)
The official story is one of creating a national champion, a German bank large enough to compete with American investment banks. The truth is far less heroic and a lot more sordid than that. Here is why Demokratie in Europa is campaigning against this merger.
Why I am running in Germany for the European Spring – Gabor Steingart podcast
For the whole podcast (that includes summaries of my answers in German), click here. For the English part only click here.
Der Grieche erklärt Europa – Der Spiegel
In der Nachspielzeit, die “Tagesthemen” warten schon, darf Christian Lindner noch einmal seinen Tweet zu den “Profis” erläutern, denen die Sache mit dem Klimawandel überlassen werden müsste. Wer schlechte Zähne habe, der gehe ja auch zum Zahnarzt.
Debate with Manfred Weber (EPP) and Christian Lindner (ALDE) on Anne Will’s ARD show – 10 MAR 2019
Here is a selection of what the press had to say about this debate:
Berliner Zeitung: https://www.berliner-zeitung.de/politik/rnd/-anne-will–zu-europa-beatrix-von-storch-haelt-emmanuel-macron-fuer-einen–loser–32199838
What’s wrong in Europe today and how to fix it tomorrow morning – Berlin speech
Demokratie in Europa is DiEM25’s new political party in Germany. Demokratie in Europa is running in the European Parliament election this coming May as part of our EUROPEAN SPRING that is campaigning across Europe on the basis of our transnational NEW DEAL FOR EUROPE.
German political economy’s two naughty sisters in action, once again – George Krimpas guest post
The lean years are here again, to the apparent satisfaction of Germany’s Finance Minister, a Social Democrat. The rate of growth of the budgetary surplus was declining, therefore restraining expenditure was the prudent attitude, the public must rest assured that over the next few years 25 billion euros will be saved, the chance of a mildly pro-cyclical switch to austerity will not be missed. But such is the degree of credibility of prudent handling of the public finances that the markets over-reacted, the Minister had to reassure that all was really not quite so bad, equilibrium of polit
“Ich bin stolz auf die Dämonisierung” – Deutsche Welle
In der Finanzkrise zog er den Zorn europäischer Sparpolitiker und heimischer Eliten auf sich. Jetzt will Yanis Varoufakis selbst nach Brüssel. Im Interview mit der Deutschen Welle spricht er über seine Vision für die EU.
DiEM25 & the EUROPEAN SPRING event on austerity, xenophobia, the euro and the environment – Thu 24/1, Berlin
With xenophobic and authoritarian forces rising across the EU, societies in stagnation levels, and climate catastrophe on the horizon, it’s time to stop what we’re doing and rethink. The EUROPEAN SPRING, that will be contesting the May 2019 European elections in 11 countries, brings together politicians and activists to give a new, European perspective on these critical issues.
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