France Neoliberal Macron: Vanguard of a Covid Global Corporate Dictatorship?

Liberte-Egalite-Fraternite: under Macron’s pass sanitaire guillotine? For the few of us who are students of history, and its aficionado travelers, meaning those who muse and wonder, at times, about how significant figures of the past would view our often dire predicament, it is rather obvious that, for example, the founding fathers of the French Revolution […]

How Billionaires Transfer Blame to Others

Eric Zuesse, originally posted at Strategic Culture Throughout history, aristocrats, and their flaks such as their ‘news’-media, cast blame downward, away from themselves who collectively control the government, and onto, instead, some minority or other mass group, who can’t even plan or function together so as to be able to control the government. The U.S. […]

American Herald Tribune has been shut down by the FBI

Eric Zuesse On November 7th, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) shut down the great online-only news-reporting and analysis site American Herald-Tribune, which had published news and history that is banned by the U.S. Government, such as this (which was also published here, if the videos there fail to load, in that archived copy). Visitors […]

How the Dictators in ‘Democracies’ Stay in Power

Eric Zuesse, originally posted at Strategic Culture Censorship is how they stay in power — censorship of the truth (not of the lies). Most ‘democratic’ countries are democratic only in form but not in substance. They have a constitution, but there are infinite numbers of ways to get around it. Such ‘democracies’ have multiple candidates […]

U.S. versus China, and U.S. versus Russia

Eric Zuesse, originally posted at Strategic Culture The main ideological conflict in the world used to be between capitalism versus communism. After the end of the Soviet Union in 1991, that became replaced by the ideological conflict being between imperialism and anti-imperialism. With the expansion of America’s NATO military alliance against Russia, after 1991 — […]

How Corrupt America Is

Eric Zuesse
On September 14th, The Hill bannered “GOP sees pressure on Pelosi as key to pandemic relief deal” and opened:
Senate Republicans see putting pressure on Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) as the key to getting a deal on a coronavirus relief bill before the elections and are counting on vulnerable House Democrats to move the Speaker off her demand for a package costing more than $2 trillion.