A State of Martial Law: America Is a Military Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy

What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? —Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, December 20, 1787, in Papers of Jefferson, ed. The government is goosestepping all over our freedoms. Case in point: America’s founders did not want a military […]

How America’s Two Political Parties Prevent Democracy in America

Eric Zuesse Why is it that America’s Government is far worse than the American people are? Americans aren’t even nearly as bad as its political Parties are, and this is because its political Parties are controlled by its billionaires, who are far worse than the American people are (worse than the “average” American — as […]

The Insanity that Rules The West

Eric Zuesse On May 30th, Newsweek headlined “Russia ‘On Course’ for NATO Conflict, Commander Says”, and reported that Karel Rehka, the Commander of Chechia’s Armed Forces, said that, “We view war between Russia and the North Atlantic Alliance as the worst-case scenario, but it is not impossible,” Rehka said. “It is possible.” Russia, the commander […]

Suppressed NATO Study Finds U.S. Ranks Low on Democracy

Eric Zuesse NATO and its supporters and member-nations are hiding the fact that the predominant belief in many of these nations is actually that they’re dictatorships that merely pontificate ‘democracy’ to other nations as an excuse to defeat their targeted-for-conquest nations which they call ‘autocracies’ or etc. in order to fool the public to ‘justify’ […]

This is ‘Western Democracy’? Or is it fraud?

Eric Zuesse The whistleblowing anti-corruption former UK Ambassador Craig Murray headlined on October 21st, “The Party is Over”, and wrote: The highly paid political class in charge of each of the UK’s three major political parties detests, despises, distrusts and seeks to discard their own party membership. The Conservative, Labour and SNP elite all view […]

The All-Encompassingness of the U.S. Government’s Secret Global Police-State

Eric Zuesse The U.S. Government is controlled by its Deep State, America’s billionaires, whom their Government has been assisting, ever since 25 July 1945, to extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public. They have thus been gradually taking control over, and replacing, […]

What more proof is needed that America is a dictatorship, not a democracy?

Eric Zuesse Ever since 2014, when the first scientific examination of whether America is a democracy or instead a dictatorship was published, and when it found clearly that America is a dictatorship by the super-rich, I have been studying other relevant evidence; and, on June 28th, the great Democratic Party investigative journalist David Sirota provided […]

American Homicide

The recent horrific mass murder in Buffalo saw the braindeads whining about white supremacy; the latest, a school shooting in Texas, was carried out by a non-white shooter, so of course now the same braindeads are blaming guns. The former prompted AK Nation to point out that whoever is responsible, something is wrong with America, […]

COVID Jabs: Ineffective, Oppressive and Dangerous

There is no moral, legal or logical argument for mandatory vaccination. The only logical argument, from a public health perspective, would be either to reduce the spread of infection or reduce the impact on health services via some other mechanism. We will explore the evidence proving that the COVID-19 supposed “vaccines” are incapable of achieving either.