Dick Durbin

It’s Time to End America’s Shameful Role in ‘Worst Humanitarian Crisis on the Planet’

(COMMONDREAMS) — Anti-war groups on Friday are urging their supporters to pick up the phone to tell U.S. senators to back a joint resolution to “end America’s shameful role in Yemen.” Angry that your tax dollars are causing the worst humanitarian crisis on the planet? CALL your senators to support #SandersLeeYemen #SJRes54 today and end America’s role […]

Big Shakeup In An Illinois House Race-- Durbin Endorses Nancy Rotering, Not The DCCC Hack Candidate

When it comes to recruiting, the DCCC is always attracted to conservative ex-colleagues who have already lost to Republicans. We've talked about how Steve Israel and his crew of incompetents managed to lose the D+5 district centered around Syracuse, New York last cycle by running Republican-lite New Dem Dan Maffei after he had already been beaten in 2010. He road back into office on Obama's strong 2012 coattails, only to be thoroughly thrashed by the voters again in 2014 after 2 years of proving, again, he's not in the least bit progressive.

Reid Surrenders His Sword to Schumer; Caucus Concurs

Harry Reid (left, in red) surrenders control of Senate Democraticcaucus to Chuck Schumer (right, back to the camera)by Gaius PubliusThis is what happens when "party unity" or "caucus unity" trumps policy. We get Chuck "Wall Street" Schumer as the next Minority Leader — because Harry "But I promoted Elizabeth Warren" Reid helped put him there. So did "progressive" Patty Murray. And according to reports, so did nearly every other Democratic senator.

Inequality Of Opportunity Will Lead Inexorably To The Demise Of Democracy… Just As Its Meant To

"When People Cheat, You Cannot As A Regulator Continue Business As Usual"You probably know by now that a great deal of Elizabeth Warren's new book, A Fighting Chance, deals with creating the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. "I had no doubt-- zero-- that the banks should be held accountable for breaking the law," she wrote.