
Putin trying again to open doors to better US-Russia relations

Reuters reported on December 30 that President Putin, in a letter to US President Donald Trump, expressed the fact that Moscow is ready for dialogue on many topics.

Russian President Vladimir Putin told his U.S. counterpart Donald Trump in a New Year letter on Sunday that Moscow was ready for dialogue on a “wide-ranging agenda”, the Kremlin said following a series of failed attempts to hold a new summit.

Donald Trump calls out MSM: “Getting along with Russia is a good thing”

President Trump has found his stride as American Statesman after his first year in office. He has come to realize that the media and the political establishment will never agree to see or take his side on issues. Further, he always knew that his job as President was and is to lead the nation, not to worry about political points from critics.

Foire Aux Critiques OB (Sans modération)

Comme j’ai vu quelques critiques à mon encontre sur les réseaux sociaux, je me dis que c’est serait bien d’y répondre une bonne fois pour toute, étant parfaitement ouvert à la critique polie et constructive.
Postez donc vos critiques (et questions) dans les commentaires, je répondrai aux principales (pas tout de suite en revanche, ou alors au fur et à mesure – plein d’urgences…).