DHS Issues Terrorism Bulletin Over “Conspiracy Theories” and “Misleading Narratives”

By Paul Joseph Watson | Summit News | February 9, 2022 The Department of Homeland Security has issued a new terrorism bulletin in response to concerns over “conspiracy theories” and “misleading narratives.” Yes, really. “The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or […]

Forget China, was it CEPI’s bio-spooks who locked down the West?

By Paula Jardine | TCW Defending Freedom | December 15, 2021 IT is nearly two years since the world turned upside down and a sequence of unprecedented lockdowns and quarantines in the name of public health and safety were imposed across the West. The narrative of the still unfolding story of Covid-19 is familiar to all of us, […]

How Domestic Surveillance of Journalists & Citizens Became Standard US Government Practice

By Ekaterina Blinova | Sputnik | December 14, 2021 Under the Trump administration, the Counter Network Division, a special unit within Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency, used government databases intended for terrorist tracking to investigate 20 US-based journalists, Yahoo News revealed on Saturday. CBP is the largest federal law enforcement agency in the US […]

Video – The Twenty Year Post-9/11 War on Liberty

Here’s my spiel on the “Twenty Year Post-9/11 War on Liberty” from last night’s The Future of Freedom Foundation broadcast. If you like seeing federal agencies get thrashed, you might enjoy this show. TSA, FBI, NSA, DHS – they all caught hell.  The video wraps up with excellent questions from the audience & plenty of […]
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Tuesday Eve Online – My Talk on “The Twenty Year Post-9/11 War on Liberty”

The Future of Freedom Foundation is presenting an online video conference, “Restoring Our Civil Liberties.” Each Tuesday through the Fall, speakers will discuss one aspect of the deteriorating condition of American freedom for 45 minutes, followed by questions from online viewers. On Tuesday, 9/28, I will speak at 7 pm. (EDT) on “The Twenty Year […]

Absolute Power Is No Covid Safety Net

American Institute for Economic Research, August 26, 2021 Absolute Power Is No Covid Safety Net James Bovard Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, lockdown champions have perennially invoked “science and data” to sanctify any mandate politicians impose. Hard facts have recently shown that neither vaccines nor face masks provide surefire protection against the virus. […]
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DHS hypes ‘increasing’ threat from ‘conspiracy theorists & extremists’ seeking Trump return… but unaware of ‘specific plots’

RT | August 7, 2021 The US Department of Homeland Security has again alleged growing threats of violence from online conspiracy theorists who expect ex-president Trump to return to power, even as it said it had no details on “planned actions.” The agency warned of “an increasing but modest level of activity” by those advocating violence online, […]

FBI goes ‘American Stasi’ encouraging family members to rat each other out for ‘extremism’

RT | July 11, 2021 The FBI has asked Americans to examine their own family members for signs of “homegrown violent extremism,” and report them. The call for snitches comes as the FBI turns its surveillance powers on regular Americans. “Family members and peers are often best positioned to witness signs of mobilization to violence,” read […]

Inside Biden’s new “domestic terrorism” strategy

By Kit Knightly | OffGuardian | July 1, 2021 Following the (completely contrived) Capitol Hill “riot” on January 6th, Joe Biden made it clear – or rather, the people that control Joe Biden made it clear – “domestic terrorism” was going to be a defining issue of his presidency. Indeed, in an act of startling prescience, the […]