VERY Important Health News: The Vaccine Hoax Is Over, Documents From UK Reveal 30 Years Of Cover-Up!

One of the most important subjects that I cover here at this blog are of course Health related issues, and especially exposing the lies pushed forward by our so called Medical and Pharmaceutical industries.   It is so important that everyone stays healthy in this war against the criminals out for our very enslavement.For the longest time I and others in this, the REAL truth movement, have harped on the fact that vaccines and the policy of vaccinations themselves are complete frauds, and that vaccines themselves promote the very diseases that they are supposed to be fighting...

Homeland Security under investigation for massive ammo buys

RT | April 30, 2013

The Department of Homeland Security is under investigation for purchasing large stockpiles of ammunition, days before legislation was introduced that would restrict the amount a government agency can legally buy.
The Government Accountability Office is now conducting the investigation into the alleged DHS purchases, which is “just getting underway,” GAO spokesman Chuck Young told US News & World Report.