De-Manufacturing Consent- New World Border: Homeland Security State & the Politics of Walls

Guillermo Jimenez Presents Todd Miller
On this edition of De-Manufacturing Consent: Guillermo is joined by Todd Miller, a journalist and author of the new book Border Patrol Nation: Dispatches from the Front Lines of Homeland Security. We discuss the emergence of the “border-industrial complex,” and how its political effects extend beyond the Southwestern United States and are now being felt across the country and around the world.

US Gov & DHS Ammunition, Weapons & Armored Assault Vehicles Stockpile: Separating Fact from Fiction

Several websites reported in March 2012 that DHS is Stockpiling Ammunition, Weapons and Armored Vehicles for use on Americans during Civil Unrest While certain congressmen gave credibility to Alex Jones and Infowars.com, government officials, liberals and skeptics tried to debunk and/or downplay Jones and Infowars claims that…Read more →

Oakland activist allegedly fired after police tracked him at protest, alerted his employer

RT | October 29, 2013

An Oakland, CA activist says local police officers sent surveillance footage of him participating in a protest last week to his employer, resulting in his firing Monday.
The activist, who goes by @Anon4Justice on Twitter, tweeted the details Monday morning in what appears to be police use of surveillance footage in combination with private and public records that identified @Anon4Justice and led to his employer.

Obama nominates drone assassination proponent to lead DHS

RT | October 18, 2013

President Barack Obama has chosen a former Pentagon attorney who defended the extrajudicial killing of American citizens to man the helm of the United States Department of Homeland Security and replace outgoing Secretary Janet Napolitano.
Jeh Johnson, a general counsel for the Pentagon during the president’s first term in office, was named by Mr. Obama as his choice for new DHS secretary during a Friday afternoon press conference.

Failure to Obey Suspicionless Interrogation

Checkpoint Refusal Activism & the CBP Backlash
In my last column, I laid out the history of the area near the border of the United States known as the “constitution-free zone” (CFZ). This policy, rooted in xenophobia and stemming from restrictions on immigration, prohibitions on substances associated with immigrants, and the all out “war on drugs,” has made casualties out of freedom of movement, rights to privacy, and human dignity at border crossings.