Non-military federal agencies have more firearm authority than entire US Marine Corps ‒ report

RT | June 24, 2016 The militarization of local law enforcement in America has long been documented, but a new report found 67 federal agencies such as the IRS and Health and Human Services have spent $1.48 billion purchasing guns, ammunition and military-style equipment. Among the startling findings in the 50-page report is that the […]

US, Israel agree to cyber information-sharing efforts

RT | June 22, 2016 The United States and Israel have signed a joint declaration on cyber defense cooperation, making Israel one of the only nations to join the Department of Homeland Security’s information-sharing platform on cyber threats. The declaration was signed Tuesday by Israel’s National Cyber Directorate chief Eviatar Matania and Cyber Security Authority head […]

US Customs and Border Protection Film and TV list - Spy Culture

Since 2003 the US Customs and Border Protection agency has become part of the Department of Homeland Security. They have their own entertainment liaison office - the DHS Office of Public Affairs Multi-Media Division. While the DHS are not very forthcoming about the productions they have worked on the CBP recently provided me with a list of projects they have assisted since 2003.

The DOD and Hollywood – Tom Secker on The Opperman Report - Spy Culture

Ed Opperman invited me back onto his show to discuss the Pentagon's involvement in Hollywood and the rest of the entertainment industry. We talked about my FOIA successes of recent months and what they reveal about the scale of the DOD's involvement in the industry. The aggressive nature of the Pentagon's influence and their desire for more influence are a central part of this discussion.