Hollywood Hyperreality: Operation Gotham Shield Sends People Batshit - Spy Culture

Or How I learned to stop worrying because The Avengers accidentally created a conspiracy theory. Conspiracy theorists gone done it again. Having learned abso-fucking-lutely nothing from the Jade Helm nonsense, the 2012 Olympics hype and the predictions of a New World Order false flag to stop Trump from winning the election, Operation Gotham Shield has become a magnet for their attention.

White House Survey Asks Public: Should the Presidency be Eliminated

(ANTIMEDIA) The Trump administration recently launched a public survey on the White House’s website where participants can indicate which federal departments they believe should be eliminated.
While some survey options fall in line with the traditional Republican agenda, such as cutting the Department of Energy and the National Endowment for the Arts, others appear to flout the power of the Washington D.C., establishment. The CIA, FBI, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Pentagon, and National Security Council are also options.

The New DHS Secretary Just Tried to Scare the Hell out of Americans

(ANTIMEDIA) As an agency that responds only to the executive branch of the government, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is tasked with the stated chore of looking after the country’s public security. This involves several fronts, placing the department in charge of anti-terrorism programs, border security, cybersecurity, immigration, and others.

5 Signs We’re Headed Toward a Major War

(ANTIMEDIA) In January of this year, former Soviet Union leader Mikhail Gorbachev warned that the whole world is preparing for war. There are many indicators that back up Gorbachev’s assertion, but to discuss them in their entirety would take a dissertation or two. Instead, we have put together a list of the five most obvious signs of impending war currently being overlooked by the media. As a result of these oversights, the public is also missing them.
1. Travel Ban