Amazon Employees Revolt Against Company for Collaborating With ICE and Police

(CW) — Amid Amazon’s ongoing collusion with government organizations, company employees circulated an open letter to CEO Jeff Bezos this week demanding he cancel the internet monolith’s contracts with law enforcement and Palantir, a tech firm that has helped the NSA expand its surveillance capabilities. Gizmodo reported Wednesday that the internal letter circulated on a mailing list titled, “we-won’t-build-it,” calls on […]

Getting Nasty: Homeland Security Warned with Decapitated Animal on His Porch

A senior Department of Homeland Security (DHS) official living in the Washington, DC area found a burnt and decapitated animal on his front porch. DHS employees were advised to keep doors and windows locked and to be aware of unexpected changes in their homes. Last week, WikiLeaks published publicly available personal information of more than 9,000 supposed current and former ICE employees, arguing that it did so for “increasing accountability.” [...]

Porkins Policy Radio episode 147 Ed Opperman on IG Report, Roger Stone, and Child Detention Centers

This week Ed Opperman joins us for a wide ranging discussion on some of the most pressing issues of the past few weeks. We start off by discussing the recent IG Report and the way that Trump supporters and the media have covered the story. Ed and I then dive into Roger Stone and his continual legal downward spiral. We also touch on Dennis Hoff, Scott Thorson, and Heidi Fleiss.

Ron Paul: Why Can’t We Sue the TSA for Assault?

(RPI Opinion) — When I was in Congress and had to regularly fly between DC and Texas, I was routinely subjected to invasive “pat-downs” (physical assaults) by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). One time, exasperated with the constant insults to my privacy and dignity, I asked a TSA agent if he was proud to assault innocent Americans […]

US Homeland Security wants to track journalists & analyze media ‘sentiment’

RT | April 7, 2018 The US Department of Homeland Security is looking to build a media monitoring database. When some reporters objected, a DHS spokesman dismissed their concerns as fodder for “black helicopter conspiracy theorists.” Service providers who want to bid for the program have until April 13 to submit a capabilities statement, according […]

DHS to Create Journalist-Tracking Database, Labels Critics “Conspiracy Theorists”

(ZHE) — The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) wants to track the vast networks of journalists, bloggers and other “media influencers” through a massive, searchable database that will allow them to monitor “any and all” trends in real time, according to a publicly posted job listing. Apparently the NSA doesn’t share their toys with DHS… The […]

Top Democrats demand $300mn to protect the midterms from Russia intervention

Press TV – February 21, 2018 US Democratic leaders have called for more than $300 million in new funding to protect upcoming midterm elections from Russian interference. Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House minority leader Nancy Pelosi demanded a budget boost Wednesday, claiming that the amount is necessary to safeguard November’s elections. The […]