
California Desert “Superbloom” is Rare and Beautiful

The California desert landscape is usually barren, but right now it’s bursting with color thanks to a “superbloom” of wildflowers. [1]
Source: SFGate
The superbloom – a term used to describe an explosion of wildflowers that exceeds normal spring blooms – has transformed the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park in southeastern California into a rainbow of greenery, poppies, primroses, and lilies.
Kathy DeMunck, an assistant manager at the desert’s nature center, explained earlier this month:

The Little Boy and the Goats !

Biting on my teeth I got up laming and I was handcuffed, blinded and dragged silently to the “offices”, the hell! They call them the “offices”. A well-equipped block for interrogation. Whatever they need is there; clubs, ropes, cold water, hot water, chairs, hooks, metal chains, electric heaters. (the hell ! they “heated” the leg of one of the children till it was almost burned) whips, handcuffs, blinders

by Sami, The Bedouin