
Another Sign A Wave Is About To Sweep Away Lots And Lots Of Trumpists-- Newspaper Endorsements

Newspaper editorial endorsements don't move elections-- but they can be a signal that a wave is coming. Yesterday we saw how conservative newspapers in Maine, Texas and Iowa had endorsed progressive Democrats, Jared Golden, Dayna Steele and J.D. Scholten, not despite their progressive policies, but because of them.

Another Divorce: Trumpanzee And Ron DeSantis

The Republican establishment wanted Adam Putnam as their nominee for Florida governor. Putnam (AKA, Howdy Doody). But then in waltzed an obscure far right extremist congressman from the Freedom Caucus, Ron DeSantis. Trump's kind of guy. Trump endorsed him and... that was that for poor Putnam, who was in the House leadership and left in 2011 to slowly and methodically take all the needed steps towards becoming governor.

The GOP's Only Path To Victory: Flood The Airwaves With Negative Ads So People Get Disgusted And Don't Vote

This year, the Republicans will do anything-- and apparently everything-- to avoid talking about issues. (Unless you consider the Ron DeSantis ad above-- yes that is a real ad than ran on television statewide in Florida-- an "issues" ad.) Kara Eastman and Beto O'Rourke had punk rock bands in high school and college. Jared Golden got a tattoo (with his unit fighting on the front lines in Afghanistan). Beto also skateboards and likes women with dyed hair... and eats BBQ-ed tofu... This is all crazy.

How Long Did Ron DeSantis Affair With Nicolás Maduro Last?

Ron DeSantis-- not a brain surgeonBecause the Egyptian dynasties were all inbred-- the only suitable woman to bear a pharoah's child was his sister or half sister-- most pharaohs were far from the sharpest knives in the draw. The Egyptian dynasties didn't last long. The admissions officer at the Wharton School of Business and Finance, had been a friend of Trump's brother and he allowed Trump, a mediocre student (at best), to transfer from Fordham.

Trumpanzee Makes His Move Against The Florida GOP Establishment-- Endorses A Neo-Fascist For Governor

Suppose you found yourself in charge-- for a week. One week to clean up America. Would shooting plutocrats Sheldon Adelson, Rebekah (and Robert) Mercer and Foster Friess be part of the plan? (We’ll leave the Koch brothers out of this for a moment, because this post isn’t really about shooting anyone.)Who remembers when Adam “Howdy Doody” Putnam retired from Congress in 2009? Little Howdy Doody had one dream… to be governor of Florida.