Depeche Mode

Wouldn't You Just LOVE A Democratic Party You Could Be Proud Of?

David Feldman interviewed me yesterday for his radio show and he threw me for a loop with one of the questions that suddenly popped up out of nowhere. He wanted to know, basically, if millionaires should be driven out of the Democratic Party. I can understand why he asked me, inasmuch as I sometimes go on and on about how the DCCC is always undermining working class candidates in favor of wealthy self-funders. But that's an entirely different proposition from kicking any class of people out of the party. The Democratic Party is out of balance at this point.

Treason Is A Very Serious Crime-- Way Too Serious For Devin Nunes

Yesterday James Fallows wrote that Señor Trumpanzee's credibility crisis is now front-and-center. He worries about the inevitability of the moment a crisis causes Trump to say "Trust me," and no one can and that's why so many veteran officials have warned about his habit of incessantly telling instantly disprovable lies. "If an administration will lie about facts where the contradictory evidence is in plain sight, how can we possibly believe them on anything else?

Personal Hitler-- Punch A Nazi

I can't stop watching this video... What a pity it ends so quickly!I was involved with Depeche Mode's career right from the very beginning, when I was a dj at KUSF in San Francisco playing the "Dreaming of Me," "New Life" and "Just Can't Get Enough" singles in 1980 even before Mute (and Sire) released Speak & Spell, their debut album the following year.

The Occult History of Punk Music – John Adams on JaysAnalysis (Half)

This is the free half of a full talk which can be obtained at JaysAnalysis by subscribing at the PayPal links below.  Musician and researcher John Adams of The Afternoon Commute joins me to divulge new details in relation to his ongoing series with researcher Nino on the secret history of punk music. Arising from the psychedelic genre and the 60s counter-culture (so-called) movements, punk became an iconic sub-genre that would eventually have a tremendous impact on “youth culture” through the 70s, 80s, 90s, and into today.

The Trumpanzee Policy Of Truth

Last week Trump pivoted again. He said he "has regrets" and that he won't ever lie to the American people... and then released his first ad which got 4 Pinnochios from the Washington Post for averaging a lie every 4 seconds. The infographic above is a look at 20 pollticians who have run for president in recent years from least honest (top) to most honest. The only candidate who lied more frequently than Mr.

Alan Grayson-- Personal Jesus, Policy Of Truth Contest

The Grayson for Senate campaign is getting close to having it's 100,000th contributor. That 100,000th contribution is going to come in in the next few days. And Blue America is going to give whoever that person is a platinum album as rare in the world of Depeche Mode collectibles as Alan Grayson' policy of truth is in a corrupted Congress.The 1991 Violator album went platinum in Mexico and Warner Bros Music Mexico, the Depeche Mode label there made a dozen hand-crafted awards and one of those gorgeous plaques is the one that is being given away to the 100,000th donor.

Keith Ellison: Policy Of Truth

The Depeche Mode double platinum award for Violator is very nice-- and I hope you're the winner. It isn't something anyone can buy in a store, no matter how rich they are. Very few of this particular RIAA plaque were ever made, basically just for the band members and a few of their colleagues. The double platinum (for achieving 2 million) is ultra-rare; by the time it was delivered, the record had already sold 3 million. Eventually the album sold 15 million.But there's even a better reason to participate in Blue America's final contest of 2013.