department of homeland security

The Bill Of Rights, Suggestions and Privileges

Few people noticed that government changed the First Amendment to really mean that you can assemble in a designated Free Speech Zone and sign a petition which you cannot present to an elected official without committing a felony. The Federal government has been revising the Bill of Rights to such an extent that the original might seem unrecognizable to older generations. Rather than wait for the Revised Bill of Rights to appear in 2020 I have written the document now from current trends.
The First Amendment used to be:

US Gov & DHS Ammunition, Weapons & Armored Assault Vehicles Stockpile: Separating Fact from Fiction

Several websites reported in March 2012 that DHS is Stockpiling Ammunition, Weapons and Armored Vehicles for use on Americans during Civil Unrest While certain congressmen gave credibility to Alex Jones and, government officials, liberals and skeptics tried to debunk and/or downplay Jones and Infowars claims that…Read more →

So If 30,000 People within 50 Miles Of Your House Starve To Death

I decided to call the next Depression the Greatest Starvation, because I want to shock people from their slumbers. I tell people that according to the demographer Borisov between 3 and 7 million Americans died from starvation in the Great Depression. American record keeping was so poor in the 1930s that he can only prove at least 3 million died from starvation. But it could have easily been a lot more than that. The United States only had 125 million people at that time and Americans lived closer to farms 80 years ago.

Failure to Obey Suspicionless Interrogation

Checkpoint Refusal Activism & the CBP Backlash
In my last column, I laid out the history of the area near the border of the United States known as the “constitution-free zone” (CFZ). This policy, rooted in xenophobia and stemming from restrictions on immigration, prohibitions on substances associated with immigrants, and the all out “war on drugs,” has made casualties out of freedom of movement, rights to privacy, and human dignity at border crossings.