department of homeland security

DHS releases best practices for government drone use, says nothing about warrants

PrivacySOS | January 4, 2015 In late December 2015, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released its “Privacy, Civil Rights & Civil Liberties Unmanned Aircraft Systems Working Group” best practices recommendations for government drone use. The 11 page document does not contain the word “warrant,” nor any recommendations to federal, state, or local law enforcement […]

Leak Reveals Obama Regime Ordered NSA, CIA to Spy on Venezuela Oil Firm

By Charles Davis and Andrew Fishman – teleSUR – November 18, 2015 The U.S. National Security Agency accessed the internal communications of Venezuela’s state-owned oil company, Petroleos de Venezuela and acquired sensitive data it planned to exploit in order to spy on the company’s top officials, according to a highly classified NSA document that reveals […]

A Challenge To Use Satire To Take Down This Tyranny.

Russia started attacking ISIS and the Al Qaeda linked Jihadists less than two weeks ago. Iraq and Afghanistan have already asked for Putin’s help. The world has caught on to the fact that the US funded both Al Qaeda and ISIS. It has been against American law since 9-11-2001 for Americans to give aid to Al Qaeda. Yet our State Department has been buying white 4 wheel drive Toyota trucks with US Special Forces style gun mounts that wound up with ISIS in Iraq.

A Challenge To Use Satire To Take Down This Tyranny.

Russia started attacking ISIS and the Al Qaeda linked Jihadists less than two weeks ago. Iraq and Afghanistan have already asked for Putin’s help. The world has caught on to the fact that the US funded both Al Qaeda and ISIS. It has been against American law since 9-11-2001 for Americans to give aid to Al Qaeda. Yet our State Department has been buying white 4 wheel drive Toyota trucks with US Special Forces style gun mounts that wound up with ISIS in Iraq.

New Hampshire library to implement Tor above DHS objections—and how

PrivacySOS | September 16, 2015 A few weeks ago the Department of Homeland Security tried to intervene in a local library’s privacy program. Last night, the community roundly rejected those calls, explicitly choosing freedom over fear. Library board meetings don’t usually attract crowds, media, or protest. But something highly unusual—and extraordinarily encouraging—happened last night in […]

U.S. Government Colludes in Assassination of Rwandan Hutu Intellectual

At 3:00 pm on 4 September 2015 five hostile U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents stormed the Baltimore MD home of Rwandan asylum seeker Dr. Leopold Munyakazi in a surprise Gestapo-like raid. A man that international human rights experts believe to be the victim of a smear campaign by the criminal military regime in Rwanda, Dr. Munyakazi has 100% complied with all immigration reporting and monitoring requirements over the course of his six year struggle to regain his freedom.

Asking Questions The Politicians And The Press Can’t Answer.

Gardasil maims and kills. It makes young girls sterile. It does not prevent cancer deaths any better than a Pap test. Merck makes Gardasil and donates to politicians who push it on girls and now it is being pushed onto boys as well. Would you support the arrest of the CEO and other executives from Merck together with the politicians from both political parties who have pushed this poison on defenseless young people?