Democratic Party brand

Trump Lying-- And Lies-- Have Come To Define The Republican Party. It's Tragic But They Deserve It

It should always be news, even if it's the same story every single day-- which it basically is: Trump is a goddam congenital liar. He lies about everything... small pretty things and important business of the country. He's disgusting and for those of us who never watched his wretched TV game show, we're far less happy by having his putrid visage on our TVs every night. I doubt there has ever been a White House occupant so hated as Trump.

Does Something As Amorphous As "The Democratic Party" Stand For Something?

"Conservative Democrats" are careerist politicians, not actual grassroots votersI guess that depends on how you define it. Who is the Democratic Party? I would say anyone who has registered as a Democrat. Fair enough? Who is not the Democratic Party? The elected party officials, who try to define it by looking in the mirror.

Paul Ryan's And Trumpy-the-Clown's Vision For America Is Very Dark And Horrifyingly Kafka-esque

You may well have woken up yesterday to Señor Trumpanzee's tweet (below), taking-- or at least sharing-- the "credit" with congressional Republicans obsessed with destroying the consumer protections the Democrats made some terminative steps towards implementing-- despite obstruction from the corrupt Blue Dogs and even more corrupt New Dems from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party-- while they were in power.