Democratic Convention

Convention Delegate John Laesch Tells Us What We May Have Missed At The Philly Convention

John Laesch, a union carpenter from Illinois and a dedicated Bernie delegate to the Democratic Convention last week explained at the Progressive Fox how he and other Bernie delegates started to change the conversation on the Trans Pacific Partnership in Philadelphia and how the "No TPP" signs became a banner of resistance on the floor of the convention.

My Fellow Americans: We Are Fools

There is something I am going to try and explain here after watching the Democratic National Convention this evening that will invite the scorn of many of my friends. But the words are gagging my throat and my stomach is twisted and sick and I have to vomit this out. The anti-americanism in me is about to explode and land […]
The post My Fellow Americans: We Are Fools appeared first on BSNEWS.

She Stole The Election Fair And Square... Is It Fair To Hate Her? (Trump, Trump, Trump)

Someone from Bernie's campaign says Hillary didn't steal the election. Stealing an election is different from 7 or 8 people on an e-mail thread. This some real misdirection there. She totally stole the election, state by state by state. She cheated in every state and people who pay attention and keep an open mind know it. As Matt Taibbi pointed out at Rolling Stone yesterday, "the primary season was very far from a fair fight.

Predictably, Wasserman Schultz Ruined The First Day Of Hillary's Convention-- How Much Damage Will She Do?

The Trumpist catastrophe in Cleveland last week tee-ed up the perfect beginning for a united Democratic Party convention in Philly today. But the "United Together" theme some marketing consultant got paid so much to come up with, turned into "United Apart," complements of Debbie the Destroyer. And instead, the first images on national television were of Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz being boo-ed off the stage at a Florida delegates meeting. And people wondering about Clinton's leadership abilities...