
N.Y. Post: Citizens, only Supreme Leader Joe Biden can save democracy: hearing his speech is compulsory

New York Post, September 15, 2023 Citizens, only Supreme Leader Joe Biden can save democracy: hearing his speech is compulsory by James Bovard Joe Biden is planning another victory lap as the savior of American democracy. The president will do a high-profile speech on the “ongoing threats to democracy” in Arizona just after the next […]

The Fierce Ideological War Between Progressives v. Liberals

Eric Zuesse (blogs at Back in the 1970s, the only big difference between liberals and progressives was that, whereas liberals, such as Hubert Humphrey, supported the military-industrial complex, progressives, such as George McGovern, opposed it. But, now, that difference has become expanded into a vast chasm, in which, whereas liberals support intensification of the […]

The New Type of ‘Democracy’: U.S-&-Allied Leaders Lie Constantly to Their Citizenry

Eric Zuesse (blogs at Throughout history, imperialists have always ‘justified’ their empires by moral-sounding excuses such as that the empire comes from ‘God’ or from the nation’s being somehow ’superior’ to all others; but this has always been a fraud. The latest excuse is that only ‘our’ nation and its ‘allies’ (vassal nations, colonies) […]

If U.S.-&-Allied countries are democracies, then why are their leaders despised by the people they rule?

Eric Zuesse (blogs at The theory behind a democracy is that the public get to choose their leaders. If the theory has been adhered to — reflects the reality — then at least 50% of the public in such a country approve of their leader. Here are the actual latest polled approve-disapprove ratings of […]

Macaulay and My 75-Cent Epiphanies, Part 1

Macaulay and My 75-Cent Epiphanies, Part 1 by James Bovard Fearing that my writing style was becoming anemic, I recently sought a literary booster shot from my bookshelves. Happily, a dozen volumes of Thomas Macaulay awaited me. Macaulay made history mesmerizing, and I have been captivated by his speed, grace, and wit for 40 years. […]
The post Macaulay and My 75-Cent Epiphanies, Part 1 appeared first on James Bovard.

N.Y. Post: Latest Biden coverup — 5,400 emails he sent under secret names

New York Post, August 29, 2023 Latest Biden coverup — 5,400 emails he sent under secret names by James Bovard In Washington, conning the American people is always considered a victimless crime. The latest DC shellshocker is the National Archives blocking release of 5,000+ emails Vice President Joe Biden wrote using a pseudonym to shroud […]