
Louie Gohmert Is Sincere... And Batshit Crazy, Utterly Delusional

When I was a sophomore in college I was smitten by a junior, the most beautiful girl in the school, artistic, sophisticated, mature... but I could barely get her to notice me. I was the chairman of the Student Activities Board and she mentioned to me that her favorite album in the world was Song to a Seagull by a new young singer I had never heard of.

SedevacAUTISM Refuted: Trailer Park Cults & “Popes” – Jay Dyer

Audio Here
The idiocy of the spooks, wandering bishops, fronts, shells and frauds in the tiny fringe incel LARPping world of sedevacantism examined. The incel factory that is sedevacantism is a recipe for disaster – in reality they are no different than “conclavists.” Instead of the One, Holy, Catholic Doublewide “Church,” begin your course in these links below to find sanity and healing:

American hysteria over Russia will lead to nuclear war, according to report

Russian television broadcast a dire sounding piece on February 5th that probably was rather disquieting to most Russians, and also a source of significant dismay to their hopes for a rapprochement in relations following the election of Donald Trump to the Presidency of the United States. The news agency “Vesti” explained that the US is preparing itself for nuclear war with Russia.