Deir Yassin

Israel Holds Elections on Day Palestinians Commemorate Deir Yassin Massacre

JERUSALEM — Elections for the 21st Israeli Knesset will take place April 9. On this day in 1948, Zionist militia entered the quiet village of Deir Yassin, murdered many of its inhabitants, expelled the survivors, and destroyed most of what remained. It was known to be a peaceful village that sat on the western edge of Jerusalem and in the early hours of that fateful day, Zionist terrorist squads attacked and massacred over one hundred men, women and children.

69 years ago today – The Deir Yassin Massacre Israel Forces Murder over 100 Palestinians Including Women and Children

By Dina Elmuti | American Herald Tribune | April 9, 2017 I grew up in a country far removed from the horrors of Deir Yassin, but I’ve lived with the snapshots of the massacre my entire life. My grandmother’s Nakba trauma has permeated my inner life, and I’ve known the world of acute agony and […]

Business as Usual

The list of settler ambushes upon Palestinian women and children and unarmed men in the West Bank is endless.  It grows day by day with more and more ferocity. In fact, there have been more than a thousand such documented attacks by rabid settlers on Palestinian civilians, although many more go unreported as futile.  Of late the victims of settler violence have begun to include other Jews.

The Central Role of Israel in the U.S. State Religion

The national secular religion of this country consists of a cluster of rarely questioned premises, usually inculcated in childhood, comparable to the articles of a real religious creed.
The first proposition is the idea that we live in a “free” country, as symbolized by the Statue of Liberty idol that towers over New York City’s harbor. The system absolutely insists on this point, incessantly hammering it in. It’s its basic tenet. Indeed it’s presented as “self-evident.” You’re in this country, ergo, you are FREE.