
“NEVER AGAIN”: President Trump signs $1.3 trillion spending bill in a calculated decision [VIDEO]

On Friday, 23 March, US President Donald Trump took a path most uncomfortable in his presidency, signing a massive, 2,232 page spending bill that is not even a budget, but rather a glorified continuing resolution with money for things he likes and things he does not like.  The bill was presented with literally 1,000 minutes for all the congressmen to consider. At more than two pages a minute, it is not likely that this legislation was fully reviewed by any one person.

Thinly veiled message to NATO: Vladimir Putin announces hypersonic ICBM testing

President Vladimir Putin gave his countrymen and the listening West a very tough talk today. During his yearly “State of the Russian Federation” speech, modeled roughly after the United States’ own “State of the Union” address, President Putin announced the deployment of six extremely advanced weapons systems and technologies.

It Would Have Been a Massacre

What happened at the baseball park was a classic case of defensive gun use. In the entire debate over guns, this is the point I find most compelling in a practical sense. Knowing that there is no way for government to ban guns — there is a black market in nearly every country with severe restrictions — the best protection for everyone is for ownership to be widespread and distributed through the population.