defense spending

Bipartisanship-- The Bad Kind

Yesterday I went upstairs to put on my shoes and socks and there was that Ku Klux Klan guy from Louisiana, Republican House Whip Scalise, yapping away on MSNBC about President Obama threatening to veto the "bipartisan Defense appropriations bill" that had gone through the wonderful bipartisan committee process led by Chairman Thornberry. Military families and pay raises and helping our allies (the fascist gang that's taken over in Ukraine) defend themselves...

How the Fed Feeds War

This talk was delivered April 10, 2015 at the Mises Institute’s “Sound Money: A Seminar for College and High School Students.” Also available in video on YouTube and audio on Soundcloud. You’ve been hearing a lot about sound money. Now I’m going to talk about unsound money: especially how it promotes war, and how governments love unsound […]

Annals of Military Spending: When the press flack's an admiral, are you gonna call him a liar?

Plus: There's "fox news" at Foggy BottomOh, for Pete's sake! Is there some kind of substance-abuse problem in the DWT Photo Archives? What I asked for was insignia or something to illustrate a rear admiral -- like, you know, snazzy insignia or something. I didn't think I had to specify for a U.S. Navy rear admiral. But this is clearly a Star Trek rear admiral pin.

NATO Chief Demands Europe Become Global Military Force

U.S. Department of Defense
May 6, 2013
NATO Secretary General Warns Europe on Defense Cuts
By Nick Simeone
WASHINGTON: NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen warned today that further cuts in defense spending by European nations risk reducing the continent’s defense and security to “hot air,” turning the alliance into what he called a “global spectator” rather than a real force on the world stage.