
Biden’s Wrecking Ball Benevolence for Homebuyers

Biden’s Wrecking Ball Benevolence for Homebuyers by James Bovard When did being creditworthy become a federal crime? The Biden administration is intentionally punishing homebuyers with good credit scores to subsidize people with shaky histories of paying their debts. But the latest salvation scheme ignores the sordid history of federal policymakers ravaging homeowners they promised to […]

My Two-Bit Political Awakening

My Two-Bit Political Awakening by James Bovard Samuel Johnson may have been wrong when he declared, “There are few ways in which a man can be more innocently employed than in getting money.” But for young kids, collecting coins is a less pernicious pastime than becoming a pyromaniac or Tik-Tok star. My own experience collecting, […]
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Nixon’s Gold Treachery Made Me a Cynic

American Institute for Economic Research, August 13, 2021 Nixon’s Gold Treachery Made Me a Cynic James Bovard Fifty years ago, on August 15, 1971, President Richard Nixon announced that the U.S. government would cease honoring its pledge to pay gold to redeem the dollars held by foreign central banks. Nixon declared he was taking “action […]
The post Nixon’s Gold Treachery Made Me a Cynic appeared first on James Bovard.

The Puerto Rico Debt Crisis — Like Greece, Sort Of

"America" from West Side Story. According to YouTube, this appears to be from one of the more recent Broadway Broadway performances. (Full movie scene at the end of this piece.)by Gaius PubliusBecause of the coverage of Greece and its debt problems, I've been fielding a lot of questions about Puerto Rico and its debt problems as well. Puerto Rico's problems aren't the same as the Greeks' though; similar, but not matching. For one thing, Puerto Rico is a territory of the U.S. and subject to some unique-to-itself U.S. laws.

What Did The Republicano Temper Tantrum Really Cost The Taxpayers They Profess To Care About?

The GOP shutdown may indeed be dead-- at least for now-- and Obamacare is still being birthed but that GOP shutdown cost the taxpayers something like $24 billion, killed a million jobs, raised unemployment, reduced the GDP, left us without food safety inspectors or even nuclear regulatory inspectors and put our government on a very economically precarious and dan

Republican Cowards' Appeasement Policy: Hope Yes/Vote No

Mica & Lankford: 2 ugly right-wing faces of GOP nihilism & cowardiceWhile unreconstructed Confederate nihilists like Louisiana's John Fleming were boasting this morning that they're ready to force another government shutdown in January and another default crisis in February, many Republicans from normal parts of America were breathing a sigh of relief

Internal Republican Congressional Politics-- A Madhouse

The Wall Street Journal editorial page, the GOP version of the NY Times, warned the congressional Republicans Wednesday morning, "It's time to wrap up this comedy of political errors… 30 or so Members were tired of getting kicked around by Heritage Action and Senator Ted Cruz and want the whole thing settled… Republicans can best help their cause now by getting this over with."Geor