
Toxic Contagion: Funds, Food and Pharma

In 2014, the organisation GRAIN revealed that small farms produce most of the world’s food in its report “Hungry for land: small farmers feed the world with less than a quarter of all farmland.” The report “Small-scale Farmers and Peasants Still Feed the World” (ETC Group, 2022) confirmed this.     Small farmers produce up to 80% […]

Does This Monsanto Deal Signal a Bleak Biotech Future?

For an undisclosed sum, Monsanto’s Climate Corporation will sell its Precision Planting farm equipment business to Deere & Co in a move which proves how the turmoil in the agriculture sector paves way for business deals which try to save a dying multinational.
Though Monsanto is still the largest seed company in the world, it has experienced severe stock losses as of the last quarter.