
Chinese Eatery in PA Housed Deer Heads, Brains, and Unidentified Parts

A Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Chinese restaurant is under investigation after inspectors found deer heads, brains, and other unidentifiable parts at the establishment.
Deer brain lo mein, anyone?
New China House in Lititz, Pennsylvania was slapped with 18 violations and ruled out of compliance by the Pennsylvania Game Commission on December 16, 2015 when inspectors found dear brains and heads, skinned and whole tails, legs, muscle meat, spines, necks, and other unidentifiable body parts both raw and cooked at the restaurant.

Is Venison in the U.S. Safe to Eat? Not Necessarily

It has been over ten years since Wisconsin endured a kind of deer holocaust. The terminal deer and elk disease, chronic wasting disease (CWD), descended upon its deer population with such vengeance officials declared “CWD eradication” zones in which fauns and does would be killed before bucks. Thousands of deer carcasses were stored in refrigerated trucks in La Crosse while their severed heads were tested for CWD.