Debt Cancellation

First. Nationwide Food Riots, Then …

In the last Depression 3 million Americans starved to death. Since then we have added 202 million people thanks the benefits the Elite get from unlimited legal and illegal immigration. I estimate that America will lose at least 50 million people in the period of the Troubles after the first Nationwide Food Riots.
Many of those 50 million will be leaving America because they will feel safer in their homeland after the violence erupts here.

Convincing Democrats To Support Borders And Honest Elections

Last week I explained that politicians were throwing $12 billion a week out the window because they refused to examine the consequences of not still having President Lincoln’s Greenbacks.
The real question is this: How do we make a popular coalition to support a non-interest bearing currency? I say we can guarantee support from Democrats for monetary reform, closing the Border and voting changes to stop the Liberal Democrat politicians from stealing 8 million votes every election.

The Mar a Lago Accords And Permanent Poverty

Update: Mark Carney is the retiring Governor of the Bank of England. He is a former Goldman Sachs man. He said twice recently that America must lose its reserve currency status.
Jim Rickards has written a new book Aftermath. In chapter 6 he discusses the Mar a Lago Accords.
He has previously predicted $10,000 gold and $400 silver with no reliable date as to when that happens . Now he is also predicting in his latest book that the dollar will no longer be the world’s reserve currency.

We’re All Boers Now: Slow-Motion Genocide In South Africa. What You Can Do About It – Wolf Age

For some time I have been telling my readers that we can expect a worldwide Depression far worse than 1933 because we have more Unpayable Debts to cancel than at any time in history. We do not have a non-interest bearing currency Like President Lincoln’s Greenbacks or the British Bradford pound of WW I.

The Thirty Families Made Plans For A Future Without You.

The Central Banks have been buying corporate stocks. The Federal Reserve has been buying stocks likely through companies like Citadel Capital.   Max Keiser
Never forget that Federal Reserve Vice-Chairman Stanley Fischer used to be the Governor of the Bank of Israel. He holds dual US-Israeli citizenship and was brought here in 2014 to oversee the demise of the US Dollar.  Vidrebel
Hint: Stanley Fisher used to be a professor of economics. He was a mentor to Ben Bernanke and Mario Draghi. That is all you need to know about him.

End This Depression By Ending Banker Occupation

The Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich studied 40,000 international corporations. They found 1,319 to be significant. And of these there were 147 that ran the world economy. That study also revealed that these 147 companies had interlocking Boards of Directors so in reality we are talking about one corporate entity running the world economy, the media and all of our governments.
David Rothkopf wrote Superclass. He is a former CEO of Kissinger Associates. He says our world is run by 30 Families and their 6,000 Minions. They are the driving force for the New World Order.