Debt Cancellation

Millie Weaver’s ShadowGate And Civil War II

My friend Mark posted a Bitchute version of ShadowGate before all of the YouTube versions can be taken down. The Views counter seems to be stuck since yesterday for those videos. The two Emergency Room doctors talking about coronavirus  had 5.5 million views before their video was struck down. And the Frontline Doctors press conference was taken down after 17 million views. (Note: YouTube and Facebook took her documentary down claiming Hat Speech. She does hate the Deep State but with reason. The arrest stemmed from a dispute over a $50 cell phone but her mother dropped the charges.

What Price Allied Propaganda?

3 million Americans starved to death during the 1930s. World War II ended death by starvation in America. But what if there were another way to end a Depression without going to war and killing 58 million people after the other side tried to surrender?
My plan is to undo the war propaganda and then to explain the alternatives. We were plagued by starvation in the 1920s in Germany as hyperinflation was one way to cancel Unpayable Debts and by starvation in the 1930s in America which was caused by Debt Cancellation in bankruptcy courts and in foreclosures.