
Reimagining Jawaharlal Nehru Today Prof Manoj Kumar Jha, who is a National Spokesperson of the Rashtriya Janata Dal, (RJD), and a Member of Parliament in Rajya Sabha ( upper house of the Parliament) who works as a Professor at the Department of Social Work, Delhi University, Delhi has kindly agreed to deliver the 23 nd lecture in the Democracy Dialogues … Continue reading Reimagining Jawaharlal Nehru Today →

Aggressors Claim Hurt Sentiments While Victims Face Trial

History is a thin excuse for unrelenting majoritarianism in India and its neighbourhood Recently, a senior advocate in Karachi was charged with blasphemy after another fellow lawyer complained about his having affixed ‘Syed’ to his name in an affidavit. This, supposedly, hurt the lawyer’s religious sentiments. The case is just one instance of the tremendous … Continue reading Aggressors Claim Hurt Sentiments While Victims Face Trial →

Science as a Cultural Ideal – Ravi Sinha

Theme : Science as a Cultural Ideal Despite frequent misgivings about universal claims of modern science and despite it being taken often as an accomplice of western imperialism, it is impossible for any culture or civilization to avoid science or to create a culturally distinct version of it. And yet, how does science seep into … Continue reading Science as a Cultural Ideal – Ravi Sinha →

When Does Democracy Undermines Itself : Dr Ravi Sinha

Dear Friends New Socialist Initiative ( NSI) South, recently organised two lectures by one of its senior Comrades Dr Ravi Sinha in Hyderabad.  First lecture was on ‘Fascism and Democratic Polity : How Did India Land in This Crisis ?‘ and the second lecture was on ‘When Does Democracy Undermines Itself ?‘ Here is a … Continue reading When Does Democracy Undermines Itself : Dr Ravi Sinha →

Fascism and Democratic Polity : How Did India Land in This Crisis ? – Dr Ravi Sinha

New Socialist Initiative ( NSI) South, recently organised two lectures by one of its senior Comrades Dr Ravi Sinha in Hyderabad.  First lecture was on ‘Fascism and Democratic Polity : How Did India Land in This Crisis ?‘ and the second lecture was on ‘How Does Democracy Undermines Itself ?‘ Here is a YouTube Link … Continue reading Fascism and Democratic Polity : How Did India Land in This Crisis ? – Dr Ravi Sinha →

हिंदी प्रदेश : प्रगतिशीलता की विरासत – प्रोफेसर बजरंग तिवारी

विषय : हिंदी प्रदेश : प्रगतिशीलता की विरासत इस व्याख्यान में निम्न पहलुओं को समेटने की कोशिश रहेगी – अर्वाचीन बोध क्या है? हिंदी प्रदेश में इसकी बुनियाद को कैसे समझें ? छठी से ग्यारहवीं शताब्दी का दौर। भक्ति आंदोलन के दौर में क्या बदलाव हुए ? कला और साहित्य में दरबारीपन को कैसे समझें ?

बहुध्रुवीयता – तानाशाही का मूलमंत्र : कविता कृष्णन

Guest post by KAVITA KRISHNAN [यह लेख The India Forum में अंग्रेज़ी में छपा और उसके हिंदी अनुवाद का एक संक्षिप्त संस्करण सत्य हिंदी में छपा. यहाँ हिंदी में लेख को पूरा (बिना काट-छांट के) पढ़ा जा सकता है.

An Open Letter to the National Leadership of the AIDWA : Struggle in Unity for Equality, or Struggle in Unity against Impunity?

To the National Leadership which is currently participating in the 13th National Conference of the AIDWA in Thiruvananthapuram. Dear sisters in struggle I write to you from Kerala, where the CPM is currently in power for a second time, a rare achievement indeed, in a state where power changes hands usually in each election.

भारतीयता, स्वाधीनता आंदोलन और वैज्ञानिक चेतना : गौहर रज़ा

The next lecture ( 8 th one) in the ‘Sandhan Vyakhyanmala Series initiated by New Socialist Initiative ( Hindi Pradesh) will be delivered by Gauhar Raza, Former Chief Scientist, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Documentary Filmmaker on Social Issues, Civil Rights Activist and a  Poet  He will be speaking on ‘Indian Identity, Freedom Movement and …