Bernie Sanders Challenged to Public Debate by Price-Hiking Pharma Hedge Fund Bro
Let the Twitter bickering begin.The post Bernie Sanders Challenged to Public Debate by Price-Hiking Pharma Hedge Fund Bro appeared first on The Anti-Media.
Let the Twitter bickering begin.The post Bernie Sanders Challenged to Public Debate by Price-Hiking Pharma Hedge Fund Bro appeared first on The Anti-Media.
The real answers to a question asked to the candidates during the CNN GOP debate.
The post Here Are The Real Secret Service Code Names for the GOP Presidential Candidates appeared first on The Anti-Media.
It has been more than 30 years since GM crops were planted. Is the world really better off?
The Independent has been looking at the future of genetically modified foods as of late. In a series of articles written on the subject, they decided to include among them an email debate between a pro-GMO-er and an anti-GMO advocate. They were hoping that the exchange would help readers have a more open discussion to allow them to make up their own minds on the subject.
On the February 21, 2015 episode of Exposing Faux Capitalism, I discussed: Cutting through media censorship and fear mongering in the vaccine debate, and talk about the suspicious alleged killing of three Muslims in North Carolina and suspicious reported death of a young boy wandering out in the cold in Toronto.
Here is a summary I prepared of Stephan Kinsella’s April 27, 2014 non-debate with Jan Helfeld on minarchism vs. anarchy. I have preserved the foul language that Kinsella used, to get a full picture of his anger issues and irrationality about a topic that demands rationality. 10m – Ad hominem by Kinsella, refers to “God […]