
Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Eastern Catholicism & Michael Lofton – Fr Mikhail / Jay Dyer

Orthodox priest Fr Mikhail joins me to cover the history of Unionism and his experience before Orthodoxy as well as the rest of the response to Michael Lofton’s video critiquing me and my journey and argumentation. Support Fr Mikhail here. Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at using promo code […]

Top 5 Reasons I’m Not a Muslim – Jay Dyer

We covered top 10s about why I am not Protestant, RC or atheist and now it’s time to cover Islam. I list my central reasons for finding Islam contradictory and reference the longer video lectures that cover the specifics. Be sure to support my work and join my site below. OS on Trinity in Islam: […]
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The Papal Clown Mass & Circus Show: Replying to Michael Lofton

Fair Use: Under the fair use doctrine of the U.S. copyright statute, it is permissible to use limited portions of a work including quotes, for purposes such as commentary, criticism, news reporting, and scholarly reports. In our new series we will be letting loose a flurry of replies to many of the prominent YT streamers […]

The Ultimate Argument Against Protestantism – Jay Dyer

Not only is this one of the top reasons I left Protestantism back in 2003, it is also one of the staples for most people who leave, among other issues. If sola scriptura and sola fide fall, the whole of Protestantism fails, and this video deals with the central issue – whether the Bible alone […]
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Should electricity markets be reformed or disbanded? My debate with Michael Liebreich on Cleaning Up

The other day, Michael Liebreich and I had a lively discussion on his CleaningUp podcast provoked by my call “to blow up the electricity markets”. It was fun but, of course, fell short of a comprehensive analysis of the complex issues pertaining to the political economy of electricity generation and distribution. Following our debate, Michael […]

Refuting Catholicism & Protestantism: Taylor Marshall, Timothy Gordon & Jordan Cooper

Fair Use: Under the fair use doctrine of the U.S. copyright statute, it is permissible to use limited portions of a work including quotes, for purposes such as commentary, criticism, news reporting, and scholarly reports. Today I decided it would good to open up the discussion forum from discord for opposition and Q n A […]

Our Task? To Inspire the Rebellion against the Legalised Robbery of People & Earth, even if it is too late – Reply to Chomsky, Fuentes & McPherson

Have we, humans, passed the point of no return down the path to ecological ruin? Does ruin-without-end loom black across the land, the air, the oceans? I hope not but, regardless, I don’t think it matters. What matters is what we do. And how we do it. From now on. Until our last breath. Sure […]

Trent Horn, Matt Fradd, TAG & The One & Many, Borgias, Energies & Created Grace – Jay Dyer

Open Forum! Time to discuss Triad, Logos, philosophy, logic & logoi, typology, atheism, and whatever your arguments and objections are! Today’s questions focused on one and many, Logos and energies, the Triad and uncreated grace, the papacy and Trent horn, matt fradd and more! Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at […]

The Return of Jay Dyer to I’m Doing Great Podcast

Jay Dyer returns to talk Orthodoxy, Kubrick, and Ted K. Get tickets to the Orlando event Sept 3 here! Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at using promo code ‘JAY50‘ Introduction 1:13 Most requested guest 2:27 Orthodox Christianity 3:03Eyes Wide Shut4:33 You can’t avoid the question of The Elite Power […]
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Top 15 Books That Changed My Life!

One of the most common questions I get asked is what are my top favorite and or life-changing books, so today I compiled my list of the top 15 plus a couple honorable mentions. These books cover a variety of topics, including literature, philosophy, theology and geopolitics. The choice was hard but I narrowed it […]
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