
Microchipping the Masses! The Beast System! Jay Dyer & Dana Ashlie

Dana Ashlie invited me on her channel to discuss the rise of technocracy as the central goal of the entire global government. All aspects of the agenda can be grouped under this: complete, managerial technocratic control.
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Symbolism & Mystical Typology of Exodus Pt. 2 – Jay Dyer (Half)

Picking back up in Exodus, we investigate the typology and symbolism of Exodus, which points directly to the coming of the Messiah in the figure of Christ. Dreaded by all liberals and modernists, the Torah is absolutely the inspired and inerrant the Law and Word of God.
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SedevacAUTISM Refuted: Trailer Park Cults & “Popes” – Jay Dyer

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The idiocy of the spooks, wandering bishops, fronts, shells and frauds in the tiny fringe incel LARPping world of sedevacantism examined. The incel factory that is sedevacantism is a recipe for disaster – in reality they are no different than “conclavists.” Instead of the One, Holy, Catholic Doublewide “Church,” begin your course in these links below to find sanity and healing:

Theosis is the Gospel: Direct Knowledge of God – Jay Dyer

For us there are no dialectics: creation is not set against divine energy and presence, but is in fact its intended telos. God thus manifests His uncreated glory in time and space and in multitudes of created forms: upon this hangs the reality of the Gospel and the reality of the Incarnation as a deification of Christ’s humanity, and by extension, us who participate in His deified flesh. Anything else is Arian heresy. Like His humanity or the sacraments, created forms really and truly thus become vehicles of uncreated reality and not ‘created grace.’ The light of Mt.

Tommy Robinson Arrested – Call-Ins – WeWuzKangz Debate – Warski Live – Jay Dyer

Andy and Jay cover the arrest of Tommy Robinson in the UK, followed by the lat appearance of YouTuber and We Wuz Kangz proponent ‘Raidio1,’ who holds his ground and doubles down in the debate. Archaeology and genetics, pyramids and temples, this debate has it all, with Jay donning the Bob Ross afro for the entire debate. Truly comedy gold.
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Warski Live With Warski & Jay Dyer – Guest: Styx Abortion Debate FULL SHOW

In the first half of the show, Andy and I cover recent Marvel films Deadpool and Deadpool 2, and how the narrative includes the notion of a private super soldier / bio-enhancement program. In hour 2, Styx joins us for an impromptu debate on abortion, while an anarchist joins for a but to debate the role of the state.
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