
Orthodoxy & Rome Exchange – Jay Dyer / Clayton Muirhead

An impromptu challenger emerged on Twitter. Clayton Muirhead expressed an interest in my debates and topics and was eager to have an exchange on the history of the papacy and the different conceptions in Roman Catholicism and Orthodoxy in terms of the Triad, the office of Peter and the Christological implications of the essence-energy distinction.

The Saturn Death Cult & Georgia Guidestones Monolith- Jay Dyer + Primal Edge Health

#saturn #monolith #cube
The crew gathers to discuss the latest craziness and nonsense. AOC and her garbage disposal, 007 and Blofeld and evil genius yachts, vegan cults, hipsters and fashion, end of life panel and death cult, Saturn worship, the black cube, esoteric cults, rituals, mass manipulation, hellraiser and pinhead, monoliths and altar stones, the Georgia Guidestones and more!

Jordan Peterson Vs Slavoj Zizek Debate – Who Won? Not Who You Think! Jay Dyer

#zizek #jordanpeterson #debate Many requested it, so here it is! I watched and took notes on the entire debate. It was fun and on the official debate scale of which I am a mater expert, I give the debate a 7 out of 10. As you can imagine, I have a unique take on this much-touted exchange that almost no one else has.

P H I L O S O P H Y – Q n A – Jay Dyer

Multiple people have requested a philosophy Q n A so I am offering an open forum, with superchat discussion welcomed. Transcendental arguments, Pre-Socratics, Stoics, sophists, Aristotle, Plato, church fathers, Logos, logoi, St. Augustine, Neo-platonism, Origen, Medieval philosophy, up to enlightenment and modern era of continental and analytical traditions.