
Bahnsen / Stein Debate Review & Analysis – Jay Dyer

Today we do a full analysis of the greatest debate of the 2oth century – the Bahnsen/Stein Debate. Hopefully we will cover the many misunderstandings that arise from various sectors concerning the transcendental argument, the nature of proofs and evidences, the compatibility of philosophy with Orthodoxy, and especially this form of argumentation, the word-concept fallacy, calvinism and much more. Part 2 of the other talk will be up later tomorrow or the day after.


Genesis Explained 2 – Jay Dyer (Half)

We return to the Genesis series as we cover the second chapter and its significance for man, as well as the secret prophetic and symbolic meanings, recalling the patristic analysis as well as the canonical context and typology. Genesis 2 focuses on the covenantal relationship between man and God, while chapter was cosmic in scope. I also explain the silly fiasco with Inspiring Philosophy at the outset as well as how it’s necessary to follow me on the backups. Live at 630 PM EST 


Amazon Synod, Council of Florence & Oriental “Orthodox” – Jay Dyer + DavidTRM

Exorcist stream to follow later tonight at 7PM and was delayed due to Internet outages in my area! David joins me to discuss recent issues in Orthodox theology, such as the Oriental “Orthodox,” the natures of Christ and the issue of two wills and two energies, pitfalls in Orthodoxy for new converts, the Council of Florence, traps those who are Orthodox should avoid and more! HIs channel has some great videos and talks and is here. Live at 3PM EST

Caroline Lucas & Yanis Varoufakis search for what went wrong with democracy – THE BIG ISSUE

The Green Party MP and the MeRA25 leader journey from democracy’s inception through the tumultuous Brexit period and through to the year 2035

There’s chaos on the streets of Westminster as the activists of Extinction Rebellion bring traffic to a standstill to highlight the urgency of action on the climate crisis. If the old democracy is not working, perhaps new ways of making ourselves heard are required.

Apologetics Class 2: Big Discord AMA: Philosophy, Eschatology & More – Jay Dyer

In the second Apologetics class, I am uploading today’s Discord AMA on the popular Politics discord, which has hosted Stefan Molyneux, Destiny and others for in-depth AMAs. Here, the focus ends up on philosophy and theology, covering ethics, transcendental arguments, my past debates, Roman Catholic issues, Orthodoxy, and eschatology. You can join their large debate forum here.

Apologetics Class 1: Icons Are Idols?? Simplicity, Origen & More – Jay Dyer

Since no one seemed hip to debate of late in discord, I will be doing a live chill and chat stream on responses to common and high brow objections. We will be replying to both common claims and attacks, questions and supposed contradictions and more. Superchats are definite read – while normal chat questions may or may not be read. Live at 430 PM EST