
Medieval Heresy: Cathars, Cults, Papal Power – Jay Dyer (Half)

In this talk I will cover my extensive notes from the magisterial scholarly work on latin medieval movements of of the western medieval cults, Malcolm Lambert’s Medieval Heresy. We will look at the sects and secret societies, manifold heterodox and their papal challengers, as well as the ideological motivations. Also covered is the papal “reforms” and the relationship to the Orthodox East. After many years of reflection on this topic from the Orthodox vantage, we will be able to read this work in a new light. The full talk is for paid subs to JaysAnalyisis below.


Mystical Theology – Jay Dyer + COTEL (Half)

COTEL joins me to cover Lossky’s classic book introducing Orthodox theology.  We cover the first half of the book highlighting the contrast with western trends and note how Lossky in accord with Fr Staniloae, Meyendorff, Fr Florovksy and Larchet, being faithful to St. Gregory Palamas and the Pillars of Orthodoxy. We cover the logoi and the imossibility of melding Palamas with Aquinas. His channel is here.

Monarchia of the Father & The Early Church – Al Fadi – An Interview with Jay Dyer

Join Al Fadi & Jay Dyer on a Let Us Reason Livestream PRIME
Topic: The Early Church Views on Various Doctrines!
Join Al Fadi and brother Jay Dyer (Jays Analysis) as they discuss the views taken by the early church on certain essential biblical doctrines such as the Trinity and the Monarchy of the Father.


Why Bitcoin is not a socialist’s ally – Reply to Ben Arc

On 15th July, Ben Arc published in Bitcoin Magazine an open letter addressed to me in a bid to convince me that I should re-assess my rejection of Bitcoin as a force for good; as a bulwark for democratising capitalism and paving the ground for socialism. Here is my reply:

Dear Ben Arc,

Thank you for your open letter and your efforts to bring a socialist perspective to bear upon my assessment of Bitcoin.

Worldview Warfare & the Philosophy of Psychological Operations – Jay Dyer / Donald Davis

Author Donald Davis joins me to discuss his book on worldview warfare.  Davis has investigated multiple layers and levels of reality to construct a metaphysics of worldview warfare.  We will see here, at a meta level, the interconnectedness of spiritual warfare, the demonic, psychological operations, religious engineering, history, music and more, all collide to initiate the modern masses into a new paradigm.  Donald’s book can be purchased here. Live at 8PM CST 


Spiritual Warfare & Historical Theology – Jay Dyer on Robyn Riley Rebel Podcast

Popular YouTuber Robyn Riley invited me on her channel to discuss Orthodoxy, how it contrasts with Roman Catholicism, philosophy, the weirdness of Hollywood, and more!  We cover Vatican I as contrasted with the canons of the ancient ecumenical councils, the nature of liturgical worship, the power of the demonic in the world of Roman Catholicism and the geopolitical corruption of the papacy.

The Multiverse & Big Philosophy Talk – Jimbob + Jay Dyer

Made by JimB0b joins me to discuss big philosophy questions in relation to debate, logic, life, meaning and the arts.  We will be covering atheistic materialism and its assumptions, Neoplatonism and its insights, how math relates to metaphysics, the question of the one and the many – what it is and how it relates to ontology and more! Live at 9Pm CST


Atheism And Luciferianism Dismantled – Jay Dyer on Inf0Warz

Hosting the 4th hour of the hAlex J0nez Show again, I cover Fr. Seraphim Rose’s famous book Nihilism, which captures the spirit of our age.  Nihilism is an outworking of atheism, and the further stages of the social rejection of God and even reason itself.  When God is rejected, “reason” becomes the next deity, but that false god soon falls as well.   In this improv lecture I outline real philosophy and objectivity over against relativism and materialism.