
Top 10 Bad Arguments for Protestantism’s ‘Bible Alone’ / Debate Review – Fr Dcn, Jay Dyer, Lewis

 Fr Dcn, Praxis, Qai, Greedo and others join me to cover the recent debate Fr Dcn Ananias had with Protestant apologist Matt Slick.  We will cover Matt’s claims and approach, our analysis of the debate and the presuppositions of authority in Orthodoxy versus the lack of normative authority in Protestantism.   Following the review, […]

The real Debate, Part II – Trump stops race sensitivity training [Video]

We covered this when it happened, and it was surprising that the news piece did not take off. It should have. However, as our main distribution path makes use of social networks, it is likely that the piece was shadow banned. You can find our analysis here, and you will find it is somewhat more detailed, but exactly along the same lines as the President’s answer.